Do Men Like Fragrances For a Gift? Should You Buy Him Perfume?

Soul - HUGO BOSSImage by boboD90 via Flickr
That's an interesting question isn't it. Do men like fragrances, and would they like to be given a perfume as a gift?

Most men, I think it's true to say, like fragrances, or perfumes, worn by their women. But would they like to wear a perfume themselves?

A lot of men do wear perfumes now, even if they're not aware of it. What is an aftershave for example, but a perfume with another name? It's just a masculine perfume, or smell. Aftershave is a convenient way for men to wear perfume without actually wearing perfume.

And what about deodorants? They have a fragrance don't they? So there are many men out there who wear a fragrance and aren't bothered by it.

And it's fine for a man to wear a deodorant isn't it?

But what about giving a male perfume to him as a gift? Well that's a little different I suppose. Because it's a perfume, not an aftershave. It's a perfume not a deodorant. It's a PERFUME.

Will men run screaming if you give them perfume as a gift, notwithstanding that they probably wear perfumes now, just by another name?

I wear a male perfume from time to time, and like it. I don't wear it all the time, I choose my moments, but I like the fragrance and my wife likes it on me, just as I like her fragrance on her.

So I think that the bottom line is that some men will appreciate a male perfume for a gift, but that it's the womans job to find out whether her man is one of those who would enjoy it.

Next question. What type of perfume? Now I'm not going to start recommending brand name perfumes, because a perfume is a personal choice. However if you are going to buy him a fragrance so that you can give him a perfume as a gift you need to start with a cheap perfume. Just to see how he takes it.

After all you don't want to spend a bomb just to find he's not interested.

There are plenty of cheap perfumes available, there are lots of places where you can get discounted brand name perfumes at prices that would surprise you, both for mens and for womens perfumes.

You can pay a stack for a brand name perfume, either a womens brand perfume or a mens perfume, but especially a womens perfume. However it's perfectly possible to find well known brand name perfumes at extremely low prices. Because of course perfumes are like anything else. They are sold at full retail price where possible, but when it's not possible to sell them at full retail price they are sold at discounted prices.

It's always possible to find cheap perfumes if you know where to look. You won't necessarily find exactly what you want the exact moment you want to buy it but if you're prepared to put in a little time you will most likely find the brand name perfume you like at an extremely discounted price.

So, should you buy a perfume for your man as a gift? Ask him first, and if it's an affirmative then find a place where you can buy cheap perfumes for men and women and find something for him, see if he likes it and if so, keep giving him more from time to time.

Why not try a perfume for your man, see what his reaction is, and take it from there.

Article Source: ArticleBase

About the Author : For a website totally dedicated to Cheap Perfumes visit Peter's Website The Cheap Perfumes Supermarket and find out about Womens Fragrances and more, including cheap womens and mens perfumes.

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